PASCO Egg Capture Trophy
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FLIGHT DATE: May 1, 2015
PILOT: Dick Horn, Discus B - GE
Dick (DIscus B - GE) reports on his flight 5-1-2015: "Great spring day from Byron. To San Antonio Valley with lift to 10.5k ft. Smooth glide to lift south of Pacheco Pass, then great run to Benitos and to Hollister".
Congratulations Dick.
Flight Date: 6-1-2013
Captured by: Hollister, CA - captured From: Avenal, CA
Pilot: Kurt Thams 415PS
Kurt Thams landed at Avenal, CA, Flying from Hollister. Here is Kurt's report:
Kurt at Avenal
Comments on the flight :
Forecast for a blue day with tops at San Benito of 10k or more. Amazingly, only one other glider flying (BG). Guess it's a testament of how great the conditions have been last month or so... normally a 10k day on a Saturday would draw a crowd. Got "off tow" at Henrietta.
Didn't want to do the traditional Hollister "Panoche Tow" for this flight, because wasn't sure I'd be able to tack on the required mileage south of Avenal in order to satisfy the 100:1 rule. This turned out to be a good choice, as there were high cirrus to the south over Avenal, which might have prevented a success. The way down East Ridge was reasonably easy today, and EL1 was booming, as was EL2. Surprisingly, EL4 was mush. Hunted over by Write Mtn to see if that would work better, and hit horrendous sink. Went back to EL4 to regain some altitude and had glide to Avenal. Ever the gracious hosts, Team Avenal handed me a cold Gatorade along with the Egg.
Hope we see them again at Hollister very soon.
Flight Date: 5-11-2013
Captured by: Avenal, CA
Pilot: Julie Butler
Julie Butler landed at Hollister, CA, Flying from Avenal. Here is Julie's report:
I launched Avenal at 1:30, released at 1200AGL, and quickly climbed to 3500 MSL. I spent the next hour and and a half between 3000 and 3800 trying to get out of the Avenal area. I finally got a good climb to 5000 over Tar Peak and was able to push into Black Mtn. Once on Black, I was under the clouds and took a thermal to 10,000. It was a fairly easy run under the clouds until they ended 30 miles from Hollister and I was at 7K.
Although my flight computer assured me I had final glide into Hollister, I felt compelled to get one more climb since I had not flown in before and wasn't sure I had the airport in sight. I veered East a little and climbed to 10K under a cloud, then headed in on final glide. I realized how ridiculous that last climb was when I arrived at the airport 5,000' overhead. That extra 20 minutes did cost me later.
Here is the OLC trace:
After landing and making my intentions known, I was quickly hooked back up and back on tow for my return to Avenal. A 5:00 launch is a little late, and I unfortunately could not find my way into any lift to get me enough altitude for my return. After a few bad choices, I landed in a field off of Hwy 25 about 30 miles South of Hollister. My retrieve crew was there just before sunset and we made it back to Avenal just before midnight.
Thanks to Eric for getting the egg in striking distance for me and to all the Hollister pilots for relaying my position to my crew at Avenal. SPOT failed me on this one.
Come and get it Lee....
Flight Date: 8-13-2012
Captured by: Hollister, CA
Pilot: Eric Rupp
Eric Rupp landed at Jean, NV, flying From Hollister, CA. View Eric's SPOT Trace. Here is Eric's Report:
I got a super fast start with two good climbs on the normal convergence line -- and then a climb to 13k+ feet at San Benito Mountain. That was enough to glide to Black Mountain (finding zip) and on to Camatta where I again connected with the convergence, this time with cloud streets. I zoomed past New Cuyama and headed east, south of Mt. Pinos-- that's where the, ugh... fun started.
There was a large area of OD in my path to the east. I skirted that on the upwind side which worked well, but then the next good clouds were inside the Edwards restricted area. Negotiations with Joshua Approach were fruitless, but I did find a northern sector that was "cold", east of Inyoker. With lots of clouds, with rain showers and some OD, I was able to pick my way through -- and was delighted to break into the clear with beautiful, well spaced clouds and a street leading the last 70 miles toward Las Vegas!
What had been near overwhelming -- OD, approach control, restricted areas, and wrestling sectionals in the cockpit -- turned benign and one of those reasons we love soaring. I'm pleased to be bringing The Egg back to its rightful home in Hollister. Tim Gunderson of the Jean club has offered to give me a tow -- hope I can make it home tomorrow! Thanks also to Quest at Hollister who went way out of his way to give me a tow today. The Capture is half yours and The Egg will look great in your display case.
Yours truly, Eric Rupp (ER)
Update: Eric tried to make a return flight and landed safely just North of the Grapevine near I5 (sketchy details at the time this was typed). Pilot and Glider are safe. Great return flight too, just a little short.
PILOT: Ramy Yanetz (TG)
The Egg is WAS at Jean, NV.
After being at Air Sailing, NV for approx. 10 months, then at Truckee, CA for 6 days, the PASCO EGG has been captured by Jean, NV.
Flight from Jean, NV to Truckee, CA
Date: Sunday, July 22, 2012
Pilot: Ramy Yanetz (TG)
I flew from Jean to Truckee on Sunday, so the egg is now officially belongs to Jean until someone flies there from another region 11 gliderpilot. This is not as difficult as it may sound. Jean is only a little more than final glide from the Inyos. You can walk from the glider port to the hotel which charges 30-$60 per night or spend the night in Vegas and fly back the following day. I did it in relatively marginal conditions with low bases and OD, so should be doable in most decent days.
More details and flight trace on OLC:
This may be the longest egg capture (in straight line distance) to date.
Truckee to Air Sailing, Morteza?, Date: 7/16/12 (possibly)