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(now Retired)

WestWind June 2009

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WestWind Newsletter Archives

Special edition of WESTWIND Newsletter

After 10 years of being out of print we have produced a special digital-only 2020 End Of Year WestWind.

WestWind 2020 End of Year Edition (3.9MB)WestWind Newsletter July-August 2010

In this issue:

  • Safety Lessons from 2020
  • PASCO OGN Project Update
  • PASCO Scholarship Update
  • PASCO Flight Awards 2020
  • more..


WESTWIND Newsletter has been retired.

In this modern age of Websites, News Forums, and Facebook we found that the news travels best using the digital paths available to all of us.

Here is a list of Pacific Soaring's links, followed by the regions other email groups and forums. Also check out the Clubs & Glider Operations in the "Where to Fly - Clubs" section

Join the following Email Groups and news forum to be notified of events and soaring weather alerts. Join them all and be fully involved and join in the discussions!

  1. Pacific Soarings Yahoo Group - Region 11 Mailing List
  2. HGCGroup - Hollister Gliding Club Community Board
  3. SoarTruckee - Soar Truckee Yahoo Group
  4. Williams Soaring Center: "Williams Today" Forum
  5. SoaringNV - sign up for monthly email newsletter


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West Wind 2010 Editions Adobe Reader Icon

2010 Editions

WestWind Newsletter July-August 2010West Wind July / August 2010 Newsletter

2010-07-WestWind.pdf (1.8MB)

In this issue:

  • Mountain High (Soar Truckee flight)
  • George Papa - Craftsman
  • Go, Spot, Go (Spot Messenger)
  • Evolution of Soaring at Hollister
  • more..


WestWind Newsletter May-June 2010West Wind May / June 2010 Newsletter

2010-05-WestWind.pdf (1.9MB)

In this issue:

  • Soaring in Paradise (Hawaii)
  • New Weight & Balance Software
  • Wave Camp notes
  • and more


January 2010 WestWindWest Wind March/April 2010 Newsletter

Jim Wallis, our West Wind editor has created another great newsletter.

2010-03-WestWind.pdf (635KB)

In this issue:

  • Preflght
  • Heard Around the Airport
  • SSA Convention
  • A Solo to Remember
  • Hollister Soaring Update


January 2010 WestWindWest Wind Jan/Feb 2010 Newsletter

Jim Wallis, Editor.

2010-01-WestWind.pdf (635KB)

In this issue:

  • Preflght
  • Heard Around the Airport
  • PASCO Safety Seminar & Banquet
  • End of the Season Flights
  • Club News
  • PASCO Meets with Reno FAA


West Wind 2009 Editions

June 2009 (2.2MB) 2009-06-WestWind.pdfWestWind June 2009

  • PASCO Egg captured by Air Sailing -Pg 5
  • Wave Soaring Safety -Pg 5
  • Where did the Canopy go? -I Broke Something Pg.7
  • Region 11 at Crazy Creek -Pg 9.
  • Check Rides and Solos happening everywhere!
  • Alby is on the move - ten flights - Texas or?
  • April 21, 2009 - Incredible Soaring day to long remember.
  • Extraordinary PASCO meeting focused on Reno Airspace issues and strategy.
  • PASCO Board meeting notes
  • .. and more...


West Wind 2008 Editions

December 2008 (1.3MB) 2008-12-WestWind.pdf

  • PASCO Pres. Column (pg 4)
  • New Winch Launch Forum (pg 21)
    • Goal to create winch launch only club
  • 2008 Awards (pg 7)
  • 2008 Sports Nationals - Montague (pg 9)
  • 2008 Region 11 Contest - Montague (pg 10)
  • Air Sailing Sports Contest - ASI, NV (pg 14)
  • Soaring to the Mexican Border (pg 10)
  • NEW Pyramid Lake and Minden Wave Agreement
    • IMPORTANT Changes - please read
  • Safety: Remember, You May Not Be Alone Up There. (pg 8)
    (re: Minden pg 21) From:
    • Kelly Kite, BOCC Chairman
    • Mike Bradford, Airport Advisory Committee Chairman
  • Lots of great Soaring Stories...


June 2008 (1.9MB) 2008-06-WestWind.pdf

  • A loss to the Flying Community:
    • Dave Cunningham
    • Jack Harkin
  • Wave Flying - View Panels
  • Soaring NV - a new glider facility in Minden
  • Torrey Pines - Fight for Airspace
  • Safety Section - There I was - Tow Story
  • Air Sailing Happenings
  • NCSA Happenings
  • Monique Weil receives Les Arnold award
  • Maintenance Corner
    • Gap Seals - Beware
    • Changing Contest Numbers
  • Region 11 Airspace - NEW Lemoore MOA

West Wind Editions From Previous Years

  • 2007 Q4 - December (1.6MB) IN THIS ISSUE:
    • Editorial - PASCO and Regional Soaring
    • Region 11 Safety Review
    • NCSA Making Dreams Come True
    • Byron Flight to Capture the Egg
    • 2007 PASCO Awards
    • Mountain Ridge Soaring
    • Landings - Some thoughts from an Old Timer
  • 2007 Q3 - September (2.2MB) IN THIS ISSUE:
    • 2007 Region 11 Championships - by David Greenhill
    • 2007 Women's Soaring Seminar - by Bill Levinson
    • 2007 Air Sailing Sports Class Contest - by Hal Chouinard
    • 2007 Thermal Camp - By Larry Suter
    • Final Glide - Geoff Loyns & Ken Pruchnick
    • 2007 July 4th Tagars
    • The Silent Challenge Award - A New Soaring Challenge by Sergio Colacevich
    • Know Your Landing Area – A Dialogue..
  • 2007 Q2 - June (2.9MB)
  • 2007 Q1 - March (2.4MB)