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Soaring Articles

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Safety, Articles, FAA Pages


VFR Collision Avoidance

Pacific Soaring Council, Inc., (PASCO) supports mode C or better Transponders and other safety instruments in gliders and other aircraft.

For more information about the POWERFlarm product in the USA go to:

Keep your PowerFlarm up to date! Hans Van Weersch created great instructions for updating your system.

Instructions on:
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Soaring Articles, Presentations, and Stories

Submitted by our Soaring Community Pilots

PASCO articles are written and submitted by members of the flying community. We thank all the people who spent many hours creating these articles. Be sure to attend the seminars to get all the information from the presenters!



Alphabetical Order:

Accidents That Nearly Happened - PASCO 2015 - Discussion of Accidents that almost happened, and what led to the episode.

Air Sailing New Construction - 2002 - (PDF) -Ty-White - The contstruction and building of Air Sailing.

Battery Care and Maintenance - 2006 (PDF 1MB) by Darryl Ramm PASCO 2006 - a timeless article on battery care and performance.

Blip Map for Dummies - Get the best out of the forecast - 2013 (PDF 1MB) - by Ramy Yanetz

Building The HP24 - 2005 (PDF 2.1MB) by Bob Kuykendall PASCO

Complacency-What-Me-Worry by Martin Hellman (PDF) 2007

Cross Country Flight Planning in Region 11 -2015 (PDF) 3.8kb PASCO - Presented at the annual PASCO Safety Seminar 2015.

Does Soaring Have to be so dangerous? An analysis of over 250 soaring accidents - by Clemens Ceipek

Dual 1000k Flights from Truckee - 1995 (PDF) A marathon journey down to the Whites and back- by Peter Deane

Experimental Category Aircraft Inspection by FAA - 2010 (PDF 85KB) Information about FAA requirements for Glider pilots flying Experimental Gliders. You must understand this requirement and keep your documents up to date. You may need this due to the latest FAA ramp checks.

FAA The ins and outs of ADS-B -v2016-04-24 by FAA John Fisher (PDF) 3.3KB - Presented at the SoaringNV Minden Wave Camp, April 4, 2016

Flying XC Between Hollister and Avenal - 2015 (PDF) - by Harry-Fox

Generic Safety - What Causes Accidents - 2006 (PDF 271KB) by Bill Reuland PASCO

Guide to flying Panoche Revised 2015 - by Brett Hinze

Introduction to Hang Gliding and ParaGliding - 2005 (PDF 465KB) by Ginny Farnsworth Hang Glider, Paraglider, Sailplane Pilot

Microburst at Minden-Tahoe Airport Coming Soon! Analysis of a crazy storm by Walt Rogers

Minden-Tahoe-Airport-Master-Plan-2006 (PDF 1.2MB) by Jim Braswell PASCO 2006

New Construction at Air Sailing 2002 (PDF) The new clubhouse and other improvements -2002 by Ty White

NORCAL CAP Glider Program - 2005 - (PDF 678KB) N. California CAP - by Jim Goetsch

One Big Rush - Details of a 750km speed record flight in the Sierra's - 2002 (PDF 1.4MB) - by Peter Deane

PASCO Annual General Meeting - Safety and Award Ceremony


Physiological Hazards of Soaring Flights-2003 (PDF 1.3MB) - by Dr. Walter B. Cannon MD 2003

Pilot Development Strategies -2015 (PDF) 2.7kb Presented at the annual PASCO Safety Seminar 2015.

PowerFlarm Tips and Recommendations - 2013 by Ramy Yanetz (PDF 429KB) Ramy covers a lot of information about the use of the PowerFlarm, including misconceptions and issues. The PowerFlarm is a great unit when installed and configured correctly.

Quest for Diamonds - Badges - 1996 (PDF) - by Ken Ward

Quest for Gold - Badges - 1996 (PDF) - by Ken Ward

Quest for Silver - Badges - 1996 (PDF) - by Ken Ward

Reno Air Traffic Control - FAA -2006 (PDF 2.9MB) by Don Brooks FAA Air Traffic Manager, Reno TRACON/Tower. Presented at PASCO 2006 Safety Seminar.

Soaring Czech Style - 2002 (PDF) A visit to the 304CZ factory in the Czech Republic -2002 - by Kempton Izuno

Safe Effective Cross Country Decision Making -2015 (PDF) 2.7KB Presented at the annual PASCO Safety Seminar 2015.

Sierra Wave XC - March 25, 2004 (PDF 4.1MB) Flight Review Kempton Izuno

Soaring For Distance 2012 by Ramy Yanetz (PDF 635KB) What does it take to start soaring for distance. Desire, Commitment, Good Instruments, Modern Flight Computer, and more... Read this great presentation by Ramy Yanetz.

Soaring Introduction for Power pilots -2003 (PDF 1.1MB) - by Peter Deane

Soaring Meteorology a Labour of Love -2002 Weather prediction (PDF) by Doug Armstrong

Soaring the Diablo Range-1993 (PDF) Kempton trucks it home from LA - by Kempton Izuno

Soaring Weather Forecasting - 2006 (PDF 6MB) by Dan Gudgel PASCO 2006

Spot Satellite Messenger - Why Use Spot - 2013 - Ramy Yanetz (PDF 64KB) Why use a Spot Messenger or other type of GPS tracking device. Compare those available and read about the pros and cons of this low cost safety device.

Staying-Safe-in-Wave by Fred LaSor 2008 (PDF)

Tactics for Budding Cross Country Pilots - 2002 (PDF 2.6MB) - by Peter Deane

Tonopah Adventures-- 1995 (PDF) A landout, truly in the middle of nowhere - by Kempton Izuno

Transponders in Sailplanes - 2014A UPDATED (Link to Soaring Safety Foundation Site - PDF 1MB ) By Eric Greenwell - Updated on Dec. 2014. Eric provides a lot of important and useful Information on Selecting, Installing, and Using a transponder.

The Inter-Club League - 1995 (PDF) Ideas for keeping soarings numbers up - by Peter Deane & David Greenhill

Weather Forecasting For The Boomer Thermal Days: California Coast Range - 011511 - 2011 -Video
"It's Gonna Be a Boomer! How You Can Find The Super Soaring Days " by Kempton Izuno. Presented at the January 2011 SSA Convention and the Valley Soaring Association seminar held at Williams Soaring Center on Jan. 15, 2011.

Winch Launching Introduction - 2004 (PDF 235KB) By Marc Ramsey - Hans Van Weersch PASCO

Working The Ridge VSA - 2010 by Kempton Izuno (PDF) Presented 1-16-2010 at Valley Soaring Association Safety Seminar, Williams Soaring Center