Pacific Soaring Council Inc., Logo

Private License Support

Pacific Soaring Council, Inc. is a non-profit volunteer organization serving glider pilots in Northern California & Nevada.
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PASCO Student Pilot Scholarship

4 Scholarships Available Per Year

Please contact our Scholarship Chairman, Troy Wollman:

PASCO Private Pilot (Glider) Exam Support Program

One of the purposes of the Pacific Soaring Council is to stimulate youth to enter the great sport of soaring. A Scholarship Fund was established for this purpose.

The rules for an application are simple:

  1. Submit an email request stating why they should be considered for the scholarship award and providing the examiner contact information and date of the check ride.
  2. The new pilot should have passed the check-ride not more than 2 months prior to the date of the request.
  3. The standard award is US $350 per applicant plus 1 year free PASCO membership.
  4. The PASCO board considers many factors in awarding scholarships. Instructor recommendations, participation in their local soaring community, financial considerations, youth/student status all weigh in the decision.

We encourage all instructors and student pilots to please read the PASCO web site and educate yourself on how you can maximize your own, or your own students' eligibility for the scholarship. Also, read about all the benefits that this wonderful organization is doing to support our sport throughout our Region of the country, both now, and into the future. Please send your comments and suggestions for making Pacific Soaring (PASCO) more relevant to the current soaring community.


Pacific Soaring Council, Inc., is a 501c3 non-profit organization incorporated in 1n 1967. You can make a Tax Deductible Contribution to Pacific Soaring (PASCO) and specify that it be directed to the Scholarship Fund. If you would like to make a contribution to the scholarship fund, please our Scholarship Chairman: for information.