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Pacific Soaring Council, Inc. is a non-profit volunteer organization serving glider pilots in Northern California & Nevada.
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About Pacific Soaring Council, Inc.

Pacific Soaring Council, Inc., incorporated as a non-profit in the state of California in March, 1967.

"PASCO" is the acronym for Pacific Soaring Council

What's On This Page: (click to go directly to that section)

  1. Statement of Purpose.
  2. Officers, Directors, Board Members and Committees.
  3. Bylaws of the corporation.
  4. SSA Region 11 Director & Governors
  5. Responsibilities of Officers and Committees

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this Corporation shall be to initiate, sponsor, promote, and carry out plans, policies, and activities that will further the growth and development of the soaring movement in Region 11 of the Soaring Society of America. Activities will be targeted at increasing the number of soaring pilots in the region in addition to the development of soaring pilots to promote safety of flight, training in the physiology of flight, cross country and high altitude soaring and the development of competition pilots and contest personnel at the local, regional, national and international level.

See the full text of the Bylaws of the Corporation below.


SSA Region 11 - No. California; Nevada, Guam, Hawaii



Pacific Soaring Council, Inc.

Contact Us

Officers of the Corporation

President Dan Colton
Vice President -open-
Treasurer Morgan Hall
Secretary Alex Neigher

Directors of the Corporation

Director Jay McDaniel
Director Morgan Hall
Director Ramy Yanetz
Director Troy Wollman
Director Alex Neigher


Communications -open-
Scholorships Troy Wollman
Awards Ramy Yanetz
FAA Liaison Mark Montague
Membership Jay McDaniel
Website Jay McDaniel
Facebook Joel Klein
Safety Officer -open-
Competition -open-

SSA Region 11 Director and Governors

SSA Region 11 Director

Director Jay McDaniel

SSA Governors in Region 11

Northern California Dan Gudgel
Nevada Gene Benson
Hawaii Brian Neff

Bylaws of "Pacific Soaring Council, Inc."

Revised 12/06/2006


Section 1. The name of this Corporation shall be PACIFIC SOARING COUNCIL, INC.

Section 2. The principal office of this Corporation shall be in the State of California at the residence of the then existing Secretary of the Corporation.


Section 1. The purpose of this Corporation shall be to initiate, sponsor, promote, and carry out plans, policies, and activities that will further the growth and development of the soaring movement in Region 11 of the Soaring Society of America. Activities will be targeted at increasing the number of soaring pilots in the region in addition to the development of soaring pilots to promote safety of flight, training in the physiology of flight, cross country and high altitude soaring and the development of competition pilots and contest personnel at the local, regional, national and international level.

Section 2. This Corporation will not own aircraft, or be involved in flight training.


Section 1. Membership in the Corporation shall consist of one class: voting members.

Section 2. Individuals become members by payment of annual dues. Section 3. A member may withdraw from the Corporation by default of subscription without refund.



Section 1. Annual meeting

1. One annual meeting of the members shall be held during the last quarter of each calendar year at a time and place as determined by the Board of Directors.

2. The annual meeting is for the installation of Officers and Directors and for such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

3. Notice of the annual meeting shall be included in the WEST WIND, PASCO web site and/or mailed by post or electronically by special notice by the Secretary to each member fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.

Section 2. Special meetings (general membership)

1. Special meetings of the general membership may be called at the discretion of the President, or a majority of the Directors, or by written petition of at least one-fourth  (1/4) of the members. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to call such a meeting to be held within ten (10) days after such demand.  

2. Notice of special meetings of members stating the time, place and in general terms the purpose of the meeting shall be mailed by post or electronically to each member not less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

3. No business other than specified in the notice of the meeting will be transacted by any Special meeting of the Corporation.

Section 3. Quorum

Fifty (50) members or ten per cent (10%) of the total membership whichever is the lesser shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4. Voting

1. Each member is entitled to one vote.

2. Each member may designate any other member as proxy provided written authorization is filed with the Secretary. Such authorization shall be dated and shall be valid for only one meeting. A member may accumulate and vote no more than five (5) proxies at any one meeting.

3. The vote of the majority voting is controlling providing they constitute a quorum unless otherwise specified by these bylaws.

4. Nominations for the Board of Directors will be held prior to the annual meeting. A candidate will be nominated when his or her name is submitted by three (3) or more members.

5. Election of the Board of Directors will be by mail ballot. Ballots will be distributed sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting. Ballots will be counted by a delegated committee and the incumbent Board, and the elected Board notified of the results thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.



Section 1.

The Board of Directors shall be composed of nine (9) members: the four (4) Executive Officers of the Corporation, and five (5) Directors at large.

Section 2. Duties and Powers

1. The government of the Corporation shall be vested in the Board of Directors, who shall have the power to make all necessary contracts, pay and discharge all debts, and to do all matters and things necessary or incident to, or in aid of, the carrying out of the aim and purpose of the Corporation; and they shall have the charge and control of all its property.

Section 3. Meetings 

1. One or more regular Board of Directors meetings shall be held during each quarter of the calendar year. Advance notice of each meeting shall be published in West Wind.

2. All Board of Directors meetings shall be open to all members. All voting must be held in open session; however, closed discussion may be conducted.  

3. Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called at any time on the order of the President or on the order of two (2) Directors.

4. Notice of special meetings of the Board of Directors, stating the time, place and in general terms the purpose of the meeting shall be communicated to each Director no later that three (3) days before the meeting.

5. If all Directors shall be present at a special meeting, any business may be transacted without previous notice.

6. Five (5) Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board at all meetings and the affirmative vote of at least five (5) Directors shall be necessary to pass any resolution or authorize any act of the Corporation.

Section 4. Vacancies

Any vacancy in the Board of Directors occurring during the year through death, resignation, removal or other cause, shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by a majority vote of the remaining Directors. An exception to this rule shall be that in the event that there are five (5) or more vacancies in the Board of Directors occurring at any one time, they shall be filled by nomination and vote of the members.

Section 5. Standing Rules

1. Each member of the Board of Directors shall serve without compensation or reward, except as otherwise provided by these bylaws.

2. The Board of Directors shall cause to be kept a complete record of all acts and proceedings of its meetings.

3. The term of each Director will be two (2) years, with an option for re-election for a maximum of one additional two (2) year term. The maximum continuous term in any office is 4 years. Four (4) Directors must be elected in even-numbered years.



Section 1. The Executive officers of the Corporation shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2. The Executive officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors prior to the annual meeting of the Corporation.

Section 3. The Executive officers shall hold office for the term of one fiscal year (Article XII, Section 4) or until their successors are elected and qualified.


Section 1. The President is the chief executive officer of the Corporation.

Section 2. The President shall preside at all membership meetings, and at all meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. The President shall appoint all committees with the approval of the Board of Directors, and will be an ex officio member of all committees. 

Section 4. The President shall sign and execute all contracts in the name of the Corporation when authorized to do so by the Board of Directors; appoint and discharge agents, or delegate this duty as he or she may elect, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors; and he or she shall provide general supervision over the management of all affairs of the Corporation.


Section 1. The Vice-President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform the duties of the President in case of the absence or disability of the President.

Section 2. The Vice-President shall also perform such duties in connection with the operation of the Corporation as he or she may undertake at the suggestion of the President.

Section 3. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of Program Chairman for all meetings of the general membership.


Section 1. The Treasurer shall keep financial records, receive and disburse funds under the direction of the President and the Board of Directors and shall perform other duties as may be required by the Board of Directors including the preparation of a financial report for each meeting and an annual budget for the following year.

Section 2. Various duties of the Treasurer may be delegated to others when so approved by the Board of Directors. However, the Treasurer shall retain the responsibility for their proper and timely performance. The deposit and disbursement of funds may not be delegated.


Section 1. The secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of the board of directors and general membership meetings and handle the correspondence of the corporation.



Section 1. Special committees may be formed by the President at any time as deemed necessary or advantageous to the Corporation.

Section 2. Chairmen of special committees shall attend Board of Directors’ meetings when they have business to transact.


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall establish a schedule of subscription that shall be sufficient to pay the Corporation’s expenses and to maintain the value of the Corporation’s assets.

Section 2. Any member who has failed to pay his or her annual dues within thirty (30) days after they are due shall be suspended automatically.  

Section 3. Members may not be assessed for monies in excess of the annual dues.

Section 4. The fiscal year shall be from November 1st to October 31st.

Section 5. At the end of each fiscal year the books and accounts shall be audited by a committee of two (2) appointed by the President. The Board of Directors may cause an independent audit to be conducted by a qualified firm at any time.

Section 6. The net savings or surplus remaining after all operating costs and other expenses have been paid shall remain in the Corporation’s treasury for the purchase of equipment, materials and contingencies, as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The net savings in any event shall not be distributed to the members for their individual use.


Section 1. Amendments of these bylaws may be made by the affirmative vote of seven (7) of the nine (9) members of the Board of Directors.


Section 1. The Corporation may be dissolved by affirmative vote of fifty-one per cent (51%) of the members.

Section 2. Funds received from the sale of all Corporation assets at the time of dissolution shall, after all obligations of the Corporation have been paid, be given to a worthy organization with similar purpose.


Responsibilities of Officers and Committees


The President is the chief executive officer of the Corporation.  The duties of the President, as outlined by the by-laws are:

  • Prepare and distribute and agenda for each board meeting;
  • Preside over all membership and Board of Director Meetings;
  • Appoint committees with approval of the Board of Directors;
  • Follow-up with all officers and committee chairs regarding progress on any projects for which they are responsible.  The President is an ex-officio member of all committees;
  • Provide general supervision over the management of all affairs of the Corporation;
  • Sign and execute all contracts in the name of the PASCO as authorized by the Board of Directors;
  • Appoint a committee to audit PASCO’s financial records.


  • Perform the duties of the President in case of the absence or disability of the President.
  • Schedule and coordinate arrangements for annual general membership meeting and awards banquet.


  • Keep financial records, receive and disburse funds under the direction of the President and the Board of Directors.
  • Prepare a financial report for each meeting and an annual budget for the following year.


  • Keep the minutes of the Board of Directors and general membership meetings and handle the correspondence of the corporation.


  • Participate in monthly meetings of the Board of Directors.
  • Recruit volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors, serve on PASCO Committees and work on other PASCO events and seminars.
  • Perform various other tasks and assignments that may be identified by the Board of Directors or Committees.



The PASCO FAA Liaison monitors FAA airspace and procedures issues that affect glider operations in the PASCO region and provides input about soaring operations and needs to appropriate entities of the FAA. This includes wave windows (Reno, Truckee, Minden, Mt Diablo and Williams), air traffic and airspace usage relations with Oakland , Reno, Sacramento and San Jose, and providing regional input to proposed airspace changes, military or civil. This includes recommended procedures for non transponder equipped gliders in high jet traffic areas, and promoting the use of transponders in gliders where beneficial for safety.


Is responsible for maintenance of the official PASCO membership database and the collection of annual dues.  In addition, the Membership Committee undertakes programs to increase the membership of PASCO including coordination with Site Champions for PASCO membership material and promotion


Administers the Service Award solicitations and distribution; Les Arnold, Exceptional Service awards -
Administers the regional distance awards solicitations and distribution: Longest Distance, Longest O&R, Longest Silver Distance. Administers the regional contest distribution of trophies; excepting ASI contest. Complies and distributes list of state and national records set within the Region.


Is responsible for providing effective means of communication to members including a regular newsletter.  Also  to provide effective communication channels between members, officers, directors and committee members, including the SSA Board of Directors, and facilitate availability of soaring information to PASCO members and the general public through web site content, email mailing or other automated means.

Regular output includes but is not limited to the following;

  • Printed Newsletter – quarterly newsletter mailed to all members and an electronic version of the Newsletter for download from the web site.
  • Web Page Content – current information, resources for members, our ‘public face’
  • PASCO Broadcast Email Lists – to contact membership or subgroups
  • Special mailings – special needs (fund-raising, printed resources)
  • Regional discussion and information forum (currently Region_11 Yahoo Group)

The PASCO Safety Officer will be the Chair of the PASCO Safety Committee and will:

  • Coordinate with Region 11 Site Champions on safety issues at each site. 
  • Coordinate seminar topics and speakers for the Annual PASCO Safety Seminar.
  • Coordinate with the PASCO FAA Liaison on any airspace issues.
  • Be primary contact for safety issues pertinent to Region 11.
  • Be a liaison with the Soaring Safety Foundation for Region 11.
  • Be responsible for articles published in West Wind to cover glider accidents/incidents in Region 11.
  • Coordinate with Site Champions to have one article a year from each site published in West Wind.
  • Attend PASCO Board meetings when possible/necessary and report on the status of PASCO Safety Committee projects, tasks and programs.

The PASCO Site Champions will be, by default, members of the PASCO Safety Committee and will:

  1. Meet (talk) with the PASCO Safety Officer periodically to discuss soaring safety programs and issues at the site they represent. 
  2. Publish and promote PASCO safety seminars and events at their site.
  3. Be primary contact for PASCO and membership promotion for their site.
  4. Be a liaison with the Soaring Safety Foundation for Region 11.
  5. Be responsible for publishing one article per year in West Wind about the site they represent.  This article should be related to safety, but may cover broader topics about soaring at the site

The objective of this position is to recruit new glider pilots by generating interest in soaring among potential glider pilots, providing information about soaring to these individuals and providing them with information about glider clubs and operations where they can get glider flying lessons and qualify for a pilot’s certificate.
The Promotion Chair is also responsible for the identification of air shows or other events where the display of a glider would attract potential glider pilots, and for recruiting qualified PASCO members to display a glider and staff these events.
Promotion Chair is responsible for producing material that can be used by PASCO members at air shows, presentation material for addressing aero, power, hang-gliding clubs. Material needs to be regional in nature and to promote awareness of all region 11 soaring sites and clubs.
Coordinate and manage podcasts generation and website promotion with webmaster.


Coordinate regional and national contests schedules – recruit clubs/FBOs to run the competitions if necessary. This does NOT necessarily mean running the competitions – the role is one of ensuring bids and schedules are coordinated and that key volunteers are found.