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PASCO Egg Capture Trophy

PASCO Egg Capture Trophy

Where's The Egg?

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EGG Capture Reports - 2011

Flight Reports of Captures 2011

09-22-2011: The Egg now resides at Air Sailing. Lee Edling flew from ASI to WSC and captured the egg on September 22.

On 09-10-2011: Ramy Yanetz flew the "Great Circle Route" via Northern California to get it (Read 'To Williams' below).

There were several great attempts from Jim Wynhoff from Jean, NV, and Morgan Hall. Jim got within a few miles of ASI before landing out. That would be a first! The egg would have found a new home at the southern most gliderport in Region 11.


To Air Sailing: 09-22-2011

Pilot: Leon Edling

Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:53 PM
Subject: Egg is ours! (Air Sailing)

Lee Edling
Pass the word! Air Sailing is once again the home of the PASCO Egg. I was close to 16,000 fett at Sierra Butte and was overhead Williams at 3000 ft.
~ From Lee's Droid X

See more photos on the Williams Today forum


To Williams: 09-10-2011

Captured by Williams Soaring from Air Sailing

Pilot: Ramy Yanetz
Date of Flight: 09/10/2011

Ramy ASI Capture Ramy Yanetz Egg Capture, Ramy

The flight from Williams to Air Sailing took me first to 25 miles west of Yolla (on the Mendocino's west of Red Bluff), getting as high as 16,000 feet only 30 miles or so from the coast, then from Yolla across the Central Valley north of Red Bluff to 20 miles or so NW of Lassen where I started climbing again, but had to struggle for a while getting as low as 2500 feet AGL before connecting with the better lift. From there went to Lassen, Lake Almanor, Susanville and Ravendale area before landing at Air Sailing
Total OLC distance 585KM. Highest altitude over the sierra was the same as over the Mendocino's: 16K!

The next day I flew back to Williams, but not in a soaring flight. While it looked decent to the SE from Air Sailing (but with relatively low bases) it was either overcast, blue or OD to the west, and bases over the crest were only 11K, just as the NAM predicted, so I figured it was not possible to make it all the way to Williams in a soaring flight. It looked bad towards Truckee as well and it looks like no much flying went there at well. As such, I took a 55 miles tow to 12K and released a little west of the crest NW of Sierra Butte, 80 miles from Williams. From there it was a dead glide all the way to Williams, over an hour with not a single climb until landing. With a slight tail wind at the beginning of the glide I achieved 50:1 glide for the first 50 miles until I started flying faster and playing around, arriving at Williams with couple of thousand feet. Since it was not a soaring flight I can't justify for myself to post it to OLC and claim any points.

Special thanks to Lee Edling, who really took care of me while at Air Sailing, provided me with a trailer to spend the night and a tow back towards Williams. And many thanks to the Air Sailing folks for their hospitality. The Banquet was great and the food was delicious.

Now we need to plan the next egg attack from Byron or Hollister before Lee captures it from Williams again :-)

~Ramy the egg napper.

Also read it here: NCSA Buzzard Blogspot


To Air Sailing: 09-04-2011

Captured by Air Sailing from Soar Truckee

Date of Flight: 09/04/2011
Pilot: Blackhawk - Lee Edling



From the post on the SoaringNV blog by Lee Edling.

Ha! Take that you Truckee glider pilots! Now you can look at an empty cabinet and wonder how the PASCO Egg is doing in the care of another gliderport!

This morning Chukar was nice enough to tow and free me up for an egg run. Hey, if nobody else would do it...

I called Samantha at Soar Truckee to make certain the egg was still there, and it was. The Ventus and I made it into the air and stuck around Warm Springs Valley for a while until it cooked some thermals--6J was already underway. An egg capture requires a flight of at least 100km, so I went to Tule Lake and then to 7990 before heading for Truckee. I got up to around 14,000 feet at 7990 (Stateline Peak) and had no problem heading down on the west side of the Petersons. There was virga in the area, mainly to the west, but there were plenty of cloud bottoms free of virga. Truckee, as always, is a beautiful place to fly around. The AWOS gave winds favoring runway 19 so all was normal on the landing and I pulled off on the diagonal to the left (zoom in with the Google Map set to satellite on the OLC and you can see it).

The crew there was great. Noy and Maddie towed me to the ramp. I went in and Sam gave me the egg and had me sign the Truckee SOP for 2011. I filled out a tow request form (they are handed to the tow pilot). Jan was getting ready to take off with a student in a 2-33 and I got to say hi to him.

Then it was back in the Ventus and I was staged on the side of the runway at about a 30 degree angle. When you are ready the tow plane takes the center line and you don't get to the center line until after the tow has started. It takes a little rudder work to turn your ship down the runway while you are gaining speed on the ground.

The Pickle (their green tow plane) took me to a golf course southeast of the airport and I released at about a couple of thousand feet agl. I worked up to the east and got over the hot rocks (the normal release point I remember using at Truckee). Then there were some thin clouds leading to a larger cloud at Mt. Rose, so I followed that route and got high on Mt. Rose before heading north.

As I got north of Verdi Peak the clouds were still working but there was a blue space as I launched towards Frenchman Lake where there were dark bottomed clouds. Just like in a bad dream, as I got there, they all died and I headed for 7990 and Tule without much luck until getting to Tule.

David Prather in 6J had been at Tule above 15 not too much before me but it was falling apart and I headed for first lift and NexRad. There was a line of clouds going south out of Nixon and I connected to that street and made it almost to Yerington before deciding I didn't want to land out with the pilots who couldn't get back into Truckee. A few areas of lift on the way home allowed me to cruise at 80 plus knots on final glide.

The sun was low enough when I landed on 35 that I was in shadow. Kite, 6J, and Falcon came out to help me park Ventus 3 and Bear licked me before I got out of the cockpit.

Here is an OLC page that shows my two flights for the day--the shorter is the flight to Truckee:

On 123.3 at the end of the day, it was the same old story. Many of the Truckee pilots were trying to figure out if they could make it home. Some did and some had to land at Minden, Carson City, and Dayton and wait for tows. DoDo was low near Sierraville in 1CH before that but dug his way out, so it was fun listening to his progress.

Then, there was a voice on the radio: "Air Sailing has the Egg!"

I confessed that we had it. How does the word get out?

Then the voice said, "I'll come get it tomorrow."

We'll see! - Lee Edling


To Truckee: 08-27-2011

Captured by Soar Truckee from Air Sailing

Date of Flight: 8/27/2011
Pilot #1: Morgan Hall
Pilot #2: Julie Butler


Flight Time: 6.1
Glider Type: Duo Discus ID: 5H
Capturing Gliderport: Soar Truckee
Losing Gliderport: Air Sailing


After a morning of rain and wave like conditions the sky filled in with nice cu and a brisk 18mph+ SW breeze. Julie and I launched and pinned off into a 9knot thermal straight to 12k and were off to the races trying to catch Buzz and Darren to the North.

We chased hard past Ravendale and decided to run the Warner Range to Oregon, thinking we had enough time to battle the headwind home. We were wrong. Turning at the north end of Goose Lake we got slow in dwindling clouds for the first 40 miles. Then things improved to the south end of the Warner Range. We had to jump east towards Gerlach to another line of clouds as it was blue between Ravendale and Truckee.

We squeaked around the corner and into Thule peak north of Air Sailing and ridge soared it up to 8400 or so then pressed south to the Dogskins but couldn't find a good climb in the late afternoon. Others were reporting wave west of Stead, but we couldn't get to it. Decided after a few attempts that Air Sailing was the best choice.

Lee and Larry greeted us and helped us tie down the glider. They hooked us up with food and bedding and were thrilled to see someone come in to take the egg. I'm sure Lee will have it back in a day or two.

For now it is in the case at Truckee, awaiting the next capture.

~ Morgan Hall, 8/29/2011