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ASI In Pursit of the Egg

Egg Pages


Where's The Egg?

PASCO Egg Capture Trophy

PASCO Egg Capture Trophy

Where's The Egg?

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Air Sailing Guarding the PASCO EGG 2011

Their Guard is up!

Looks like the ASI defenses are on guard they have captured the egg from Williams Soaring. The Egg will spend another winter at Air Sailing.

In Pursuit of the Egg

- You have to watch this movie created by Air Saling, very well done. Thanks

The Glider Operations mentioned in this movie are:

Air Sailing, Inc. - - Air Sailing Gliderport.  Air Sailing, Inc. is a tax-exempt organization that owns and operates Air Sailing Gliderport located in Palomino Valley, just 25 miles northeast of Reno, Nevada. Members and non-members are welcome to fly at Air Sailing. Towing services are provided by Air Sailing and Nevada Soaring Association. Camping and RV facilities (hot showers, clubhouse, high-speed wireless internet service) and ample tie-downs are available on the gliderport. For current gliderport conditions and information, contact Lee Edling at (775)-722-9188 or For information regarding Air Sailing, Inc., including membership inquiries, contact Ty White at (510)-504-2217, or


Nevada Soaring Association - NSA - - - Reno, NV. Air Sailing Gliderport, NV. NSA is a non-profit club that operates from the Air Sailing Gliderport to provide economical, well equipped, well trained and supervised recreational soaring for the benefit of its membership. Guest and new memberships are welcome. Pre-solo, local, cross country and advanced soaring are both taught and encouraged. Contact Bob Spielman,, 775-560-2406


Williams Soaring Center - - Pilot Instruction by national award winning instructors. Cross Country Training, Badges, FAA Examiner. Glider Rides. Full Service Gliderport located on a private airstrip. FAA Certified Repair Station, Sailplane parts, Equipment, Pilot Supplies. U.S.A. Dealer for Alexander Schleicher Sailplanes. From Sacramento take I-5 North for 45 mins, take Williams Exit #577 off I-5, east 1/2 mile to airport. Bunk rooms available at no charge. The most modern all glass fleet of any glider operation. Open all Year - Thursday through Monday. Location: 2668 Husted Rd., Williams, CA 95987.
(530) 473-5600, email