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The Minden Standard Courses are a set of 17 pre-defined and well described courses for the use of soaring pilots who fly from Minden-Tahoe Airport.  

Course distances range from 100 km to 1000 km and meet the FAI prescribed course definitions for triangle, out & return and 3 turn point badge and record attempts.

  1. Course A - 300km Out & Return
  2. Course B - 300km FAI Triangle
  3. Course C - 300km Flat Triangle
  4. Course D - 300km 3 TP Distance
  5. Course E - 500km Out & Return
  6. Course F - 500km FAI Triangle
  7. Course G - 500km Flat Triangle
  8. Course H - 500km 3 TP Distance
  9. Course I - 750km Out & Return
  10. Course J - 750km FAI Triangle
  11. Course L - 1000km FAI Triangle
  12. Course M - 1000km 3 TP Distance
  13. Course N - 100km FAI Triangle
  14. Course Q - 500km Out & Return
  15. Course R - 750km FAI Triangle
  16. Course S - 1000km FAI Triangle
  17. Course T - 750km Out & Return

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Minden  -  Standard Course  "D"

300 km 3 Turn Point Distance

Course Design: Bob Semans

Waypoint / Turnpoint and Task Files

NOTE: All tasks & waypoints are in the SeeYou minden-courses-0916.cup

  1. Download SeeYou file: minden-courses-0916.cup
  2. Download SeeYou file without tasks:  MindenSC.cup
  3. Download standard dat file, also works in SeeYou: MindenSC.dat


  Name Latitude Longitude Elevation
Start Pt. Sunrise Start Pt. (S05) 39° 01.120' N 119° 40.080' W 5191'
TP 1 North Mono Lake (C39) 38° 06.200' N 119° 03.230' W 6785'
TP 2 Rawe Peak  39° 11.830' N 119° 29.370' W 8130'
TP 3 Double Spring Flat (A15) 38° 48.230' N 119° 36.370' W 5964'
Finish Pt. Minden Gate 39° 00.010' N 119° 45.160' W 4718'


Leg Km Smi Nmi % True Course
 1 114.85 71.36 62.01 36.8 152°
2 127.21 79.04 68.69 40.8 343°
3 44.82 27.85 24.20 14.4 193°
4 25.23 15.68 13.62 8.1 329°
Task Dist. 312.12 193.93 168.52    

Task / Course Map from SeeYou

Minden d XC Course
Click Map for larger image


Typical Flight Path:

 After the start, work east to high ground over the Pine Nut ridge line and then follow the ridge line south.  Leaving Bald Mtn. #1 (at the south end of the Pine Nut range) with enough altitude to reach Sweetwater Strip, reach for East Sister Peak at the north end of the Sweetwater range, then south over  the range to Mt. Patterson.  Jump across Bridgeport Reservoir to the west side of  Potato Peak and then south over the high ground to the first turn and back toward Potato Peak.

Near Bridgeport, if enough altitude to reach the west side of Mt. Patterson cannot be gained, deviate to Bald Mtn. #2 at the south end of the Pine Grove Hills.  Gain enough  altitude to achieve the west side of East Sister Peak or Desert Creek Peak.  On either course, work back to Bald Mtn #1 and run the length of the Pine Nut range to Rawe Peak at the north end.  Return south to Bald Mtn #1 leaving with enough altitude to fly west on final glide out to the third turn point and then direct to a landing at Minden-Tahoe. Note: Cloud patterns often dictate significant deviations from this "typical" flight path.

Note: Inclusion of  the Finish Point in your Declaration is not required.  After the last turn point, all that is required is to land outside a circle with a radius of 13.13 km from the third turn point (plus an allowance to cover any Distance Penalty).   For example, the 300 km distance could be achieved by landing at Rosaschi Dusters if Minden-Tahoe was under foul weather.  However, inclusion of the Finish Point in the Declaration may be advantageous if a high release is anticipated and an approved flight recorder is used.  This allows the Finish Altitude to be established by the altitude recorded by the flight recorder at the point and time the declared Finish Point is achieved.  If the Finish Altitude is less than 1000 meters lower than the release altitude, a distance penalty will be avoided.  A distance penalty might otherwise be incurred if the Finish Altitude is fixed by theelevation of the Landing Point (aka the Finish Point) at Minden-Tahoe Airport.

Airports near the course (keep at least one in reach):

Flyin' Mouse, Sweetwater Strip, Bryant Field (Bridgeport), Lee Vining, Hawthorne, Flying M (Hilton Strip), Sweetwater, Yerington, Rosaschi Dusters, Minden-Tahoe, Dayton Valley.

Some possible weather peculiarities:

Cu-nim blow-off from the Sierra and other high ground; cool, strong southwest wind at lower levels at Wellington and Smith Valley late in the day.

Traffic cautions:

Watch for higher density and head-on glider traffic while over the Pine Nut range.

Course Design:   Bob Semans