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Presentations from the 2017 Safety Seminar & Awards Banquet



  1. My Crash On the Whites - Dan Colton (PDF)
  2. What’s Age Got to do With It - Key Dismukes (PDF)
  3. Soaring Safety Foundation - Thomas Johnson (PDF)
  4. Weather: Soaring Goals and Forecasting - Kempton Izuno (PDF)
  5. MacCready flying from Kindergarten to PhD - John Cochrane (PDF)
  6. FBO Updates and Initiatives
    1. Soar Truckee - Sergio Colacevich and ?
    2. Williams Soaring, Ben Mayes and Danny Schaefer
    3. Soaring NV (Minden) - (verbal presentation)
      1. Soaring NV has new winter hours - call to shedule..
      2. 2018 Wave Camp planned for April 12-15, 2018
  7. 2017 PASCO Awards Presentation - Ramy Yanetz (PDF)