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TTSA Offers Cross Country Training

Soar Truckee is now TTSA, Truckee Tahoe Soaring Association

Cross Country Coaching - Improving Cross-Country Skills

Starting with the 2015 season, STI (Soar Truckee, Inc). has changed name and purpose. It has become TTSA (Truckee-Tahoe Soaring Association), a 501(c)(3) non-profit Public Benefit Corporation. This is a type of organization with charitable purposes, i.e. educational, scientific, fostering amateur sports competition etc.

The main purpose of the TTSA is to advance the science, art, and safety of soaring flight in the Northern California and Nevada region. Our mission is to train aspiring pilots in soaring flight and improving the skill level and expertise of the soaring pilots’ community.

This notice is directed to intermediate glider pilots and especially to freshly licensed glider pilots who wish to extend their experience in soaring cross-country in the Sierra and in the Nevada Desert. The activity is articulated in two fashions:

  • Soar Truckee offers flying cross-country by lead-and-follow where an experienced pilot will fly as a mentor guiding the trainee. This type of coaching is suited to pilots that can follow the leader in comfort flying their own glider.
  • Soar Truckee also offers flying cross country in a two-seater glider with a mentor pilot. This type of coaching has the advantage of continuous communication, practical demonstration of flying techniques, and a more relaxed experience for the trainee.

The flights will be preceded by a discussion of the purpose and itinerary of the flight, followed by a debriefing at the flight’s end. Participating in the 4 scheduled TAGARs will provide experience flying together with other gliders.

This activity will remain a permanent feature of Soar Truckee because that is its mission. I am inviting all interested pilots to participate to our programs and fly in Truckee for the 2016 summer (Truckee opens Friday May 27th). Please contact me by e-mail or phone if you need more information, or just come up and fly in Truckee.

Thank you all!

Sergio Colacevich
(916) 967 5710


Also See 2016 Opening Dates...

ABOUT TTSA (Previously called Soar Truckee)

Soar Truckee, Inc. is NOW Truckee Tahoe Soaring Association - Truckee, located in scenic Lake Tahoe, California, just three miles south of Interstate 80, at an elevation of 5,900'. Staffed by experts in the sport of soaring, we offer glider rides over spectacular scenery. We also provide instruction, aero-tow, and other services for the clubs and individuals who love to fly with the eagles in this mountain environment. Soar Truckee also offers an on-site bunkhouse, shower, flush toilets and both on-site and adjacent camping facilities. OPEN: approximate dates mid-May - October 1; P.O. Box 2657, Truckee Airport, Truckee, CA 95734. 530-587-6702