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We started the meeting with a short 6 minute video shared by Morgan Hall.
2016 Morgan Hall & Troy Wollman Flight from Truckee to Mt. Whitney
Once again we had our annual Meeting and Award Banquet at the beautiful Sequoyah Country Club, in the hills of Oakland, California. We were treated to a beautiful sunset, and a super moon.
Sequoyah Country Club -- Super Moon, it will be 70 years until it returns
Sequoyah Country Club -- Sunset looking west toward San Francisco Penninsula
We were priveleged to have a guest speaker, John Fisher, who flew in from the Federal Aviation Administration Office in Washington DC.
Guest Speaker: John Fisher, FAA, Washington DC Office
John spoke to us about the FAA proposed ADS-B requirements that are to take effect in 2020.
See John Fisher's presentation (PDF): The INs and OUTs of ADS-B 2016-11-12
John's goal is to provide information about ADS-B to the aviation community, and when he asked the audience who also flew powered aircraft, about 40% indicated that they flew powered aircraft as well as gliders . The presentation was intended to help aircraft owners make a more informed decision when they consider equipping their aircraft with ADS-B.
At the time of his presentation gliders are exempt from the new proposal, however, there is a FAA ANPRM - Glider Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making in progress.
FAA Rulemaking Management Council may:
The FAA's next step is to post notice on the Glider ANPRM by the end of December, 2016.
Here is a link to the full meeting presentation, including the awards.
PASCO Annual General Meeting and Awards - 2016 presentation (PDF)
Awards will be posted in the awards section. Ramy Yanetz was quick to note that we have a lot of high profile award winning pilots in Region 11. They are not only ranked high in our Region, but also highest in the USA, and the World.